My Look:
Bag – Saint Laurent
Shoes – Zara (similar here)
Blazer – Malene Birger
Top – Gina Tricot
Trousers – H&M
Godmorgon fina! Något jag älskat sedan way back är den maskulina stilen. Den går liksom inte ur mig. Förut bar jag så kallade “gubbskor” väldigt ofta, så när jag såg detta par på Zara kunde jag liksom inte hålla mig. Tog steget längre i det maskulina och satte på mig ett par högre strumpor till och med, haha. Burit dessa skor tillsammans med ett par svarta tighta jeans och massor med olika överdelar på senaste. Jag ligger fortfarande i någon slags influensa, men så tacksam över snön ute som gör att det blir ljusare dock. Ska försöka ta mig upp ur sängen nu och fota lite åt er! Puss på er.
/ Good morning <3 Something I’ve been loving since a start blogging is the masculine style. I just can’t let it go. For some years ago I used these “old man shoes” very often, so when I saw these pair on Zara I just had to buy them. I even took one step longer in the masculine style and added a pair of visible socks, lol. Been using these to black slimmed jeans and a lot of different uppers. I’m still having the flue, but I’m so thankful for the snow outside that makes the days lighter. I will try to get up from the bed today and take some photos for you. Xx
Love that masculin style! Not every women could wear it but it suits you soooo well! And the trousers are awesome! I already know what I am gonna to do later today.. stroll around the city and looking for some pants like this, hahah!
Puss and have a nice day
answer: Thanks dear! So glad I can inspire you like that
Snyggt som alltid!
Love this masculine style! You look perfect!
xx Su http://fashiontwinstinct.blogspot.de/
Like that look! Perfect first outfit of the year!
You definitely have the looks to rock these more boyish outfits.
That blazer looks incredible on you
fantastic! <3
Really nice!
gorgeous outfit!
Lunjasky bloglovin
Perfect style, this outfit is so cool, love the shoes and the blazer!
this look is perfect! happy new year
I am finding that it is very stylish.You have a beautiful view!
oh I love this head to toe
That YSL bag is just pure magic <3 Love it !
Best from Berlin
x Gitta
This look is perfect!! Great outfit!