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Gillar verkligen denna typ av sneakers! Sett lite olika modeller men denna helvita från Nike kändes lite extra rätt. Inte sett den förut! Så fint med mom-jeans speciellt – och till hösten med ett par vita ribbade sockar under. Perfa!
I really like these kind of sneakers! Seen some different models but these all white pair from Nike felt just extra right. I haven’t seen that one before. So nice together with mom-jeans and this autumn with a pair of white ribbed socks under neath. Perfect! Xx
Love ❤️ that sneakers 👟 look! So bomb! 🙂
🌸🍃LA BIJOUX BELLA 🌸🍃| By Mia | A Creative Lifestyle Blog
answer: Agree!!
Cool <3
answer: Right!!
I can’t wait to see you style these!
answer: They will be awesome!!
i have seen on alexandras and your bfs socials that you workout now a lot. in the past you said you are not into that at all. could you maybe share your workout plan now that you workout? 🙂
answer: Yes, that’s right. I’ll share everything with you in a post soon :*