Pictures from our hotel room in NY
Hej fina! Hittade dessa bilder från vårt hotell i New York som jag inte visat ännu. Fick sånt himla fint rum med en terass med denna utsikt. Hur magiskt? Hotellet heter WestHouse och ligger nära 5th och central park. Gillade verkligen läget på detta hotell även om jag annars föredrar att bo i SoHo. Tipstips! Vi åkte hem till norr över helgen och bara njuter av naturen. Vi ska snart ut och göra upp eld och fiska en sista gång för i år. Bilder från helgen kommer sedan! Puss
Hi guys! Found these pictures from our hotel in New York that I haven’t showed you yet. We got the nicest room with a balcony with this view. How magical? The name of the hotel is Westhouse and is close to 5th and central park. Even though if I prefer SoHo I really liked the location of this hotel. Check it out if you’re going to NY! We went home to the north this weekend and are just enjoying the nature. Today we will make a fire and catch some fish for the last time this year. Pictures from the weekend will come later! Xx
Hey Victoria ♥︎
I just noticed I haven’t yet said congratulations on the baby news – So congrats, I’m sure you and Erik will be great parents!
These NYC pics look awesome. I, too, prefer booking my NYC accomodation in SoHo as it’s my favourite part of the big city. But if that wouldn’t be the case, then yes – WestHouse would definitely be something to consider.
Have a lovely weekend (your plans sound so relaxing), sending love from Helsinki!
Great pics! Love your blog! <3
answer: Thank you :* I’m glad that you enjoy it.
very nice couple and nice view from window/balcony on nyc
greetings Meg
answer: Thanks Meg!