Alltså vi har det verkligen så himla bra! Low season här vilket betyder typ tomt på hotellen, vilket jag älskar. Vi bor även på en av de minsta öarna i hela Maldiverna, tar typ 5 minuter att promenera runt ön. Så mysigt! Imorgon byter vi hotell, vilket känns lite tråkigt men är säker på att vi kommer ha det toppen resten av dagarna också. Idag har vi fotat bort lite samarbeten annars tagit det rätt lugnt! Hade ingen kamera med mig ut i eftermiddags men Erik knäppte dessa med mobilen. Standard look här! Typ ingen idé att packa varken smink eller kläder, haha. Passade på att gå förbi Marre på Bangs innan vi åkte och satte i lite löshår. Bäst är han! Puss
We have the best time! Low season here which means almost empty on the hotels, which I love. We’re also staying on one of the smallest island here in the Maldives. It takes around 5 minutes to walk around the island, lol. So cozy! Today we have been shooting some collabs but other than that we had a really calm day. I didn’t bring my camera this afternoon but Erik took this with his phone. Standard look over here! Not worth packing clothing or make up, lol. I visited Marre at Bangs before I left too! He added some extensions like you can see. He’s the best!
this looks so beautiful, you know it’s the best place to be when you need no fancy cloths or makeup just all natural ^^
Wow this place looks like a dream <3 Enjoy your vacay!
x Kristjaana
Paradise <3
What a wonderful place! I would be so so glad to be there.
This looks so peaceful. I love the shirt, is it a shirtdress or Erik’s shirt? But I prefer shorter hair, sorry, I don’t think extensions look good.
answer: It’s a regular linen shirt from Gina Tricot
Looks as if you have the whole island to yourself! Straight out of a dream!
Really amazing!
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svar: Nej, jag tonar min hårbotten mörkare :)!
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Vart har du köpt hatten?
svar: Gina Tricot :)!!