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Dress up: White shirt, Cigarette Trousers & Heels
Dress down: White top, Denim & Sneakers
När våren närmar sig blir jag typ alltid sugen på att bära en trench. Jag har någon tunnare variant men letat efter något lite tjockare och tycker denna från BikBok ser helt galet bra ut. Kanske kan ha denna i London tillsammans med något lite tjockare under bara om jag har tur! Edit, kikade just vädret och vi kommer få 16 grader, dröm. Puss!
When the spring is on it’s way I always have some cravings for wearing a trench. I have some silky ones but I want something thicker and I think this one from BikBok looks awesome. Maybe I can wear it together with some hoodie or something in London. Edit: Just checked the weather and we will have around 16 degrees, omg dream. Xx
super nice!
A perfect trench … indeed!
This is perfect.
Petite Side of Style
This will look so flattering on you.
This trench coat looks like a great winter staple to add to my wardrobe!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
I’m sure it will look great