Prdocuts (adlinks):
Shoes – New Look
Jacket – Stylenanda (here)
Shirt – Asos (here)
Jeans – Berskha
Hej fina! Erik åkte till Milano Fashionweek igår och jag har som vanligt SÅ svårt att sova utan honom första nätterna när han är borta. Slutade med att jag kom isäng klockan 05, ställde väckaren på 08 så jag inte skulle göra kaos med dygnsrytmen. Gick ut på en promenad (hämtade paket, lol) men sedan började jag må så sjukt illa. Gör alltid det när jag sovit för lite! Så jag sov två timmar till.
Hur som helst, det blåste som fasen sista dagen i London så jag passade på att använda min nya vadderade jacka. Så fin, älskar den. Ville inte se ut som jag gjorde när jag gick i typ 2:an i den dock, så dressade till looken lite. Puss!
Hi guys! So Erik went to Milano FW yesterday and I have as usual so hard to sleep without him the first nights. I didn’t manage to fall asleep until 05 and had my alarm set at 08, just to keep my circadian rhythm in control. I went for a walk (picked up some package) but then I started to feel super ill, like always when I haven’t slept for as long as I need to. So I slept for two more hours.
How ever, It was superwindy our last day in London so I thought it would be a great idea to use my new padded jacket, I love it. It’s so nice! Didn’t want to look like I did when I was ten years old though so I dressed it up a bit. Xx
What’s Erik’s website called? 🙂 great look
answer: Thanks! http://thenorthernman.se/ 🙂
Love the white shirt and jeans look … So chic and beautiful! 🙂
❤LA BIJOUX BELLA❤ | BY MIA | A Creative Lifestyle Blog
totally love the look hun!
answer: Glad you liked it <3
That jacket must be super warm! I’ve styled it perfectly!
Love, Marie Roget | Instagram
answer: Super warm and super cozy 🙂 Thanks!
what a cool outfit, love the jeans!
Fash ‘n’ fudge
Fash ‘n’ fudge
answer: Thanks! I love them too!!
jacket is soooo ugly, but must be so hot in it and thats important these days 🙂
Such a gorgeous look – so in love with this down jacket!
xx Mirjam | http://www.miiju.ch
answer: Thank you :*