– View the full collection HERE –
Duktigaste Angie har släppt sin andra kollektion för Bik Bok. Så himla grymt tycker jag! Mycket bas vilket jag älskar som ni vet, hehe. Har själv jeansen som helt klart är nya favoriter. Finns även ett par set i kollektionen som känns helt rätt just nu, älskar set! Spana in kollektionen vetja. Puss!
/ I’m so impressed over Angie who just released her second collection for Bik Bok. I think that is so cool! The collection is much about the basic, which I love (as you know, hehe). I got the jeans and they are new favorites for sure! You can also find some two-pieces in the collection which feels so right, I love two-pieces. Go and check it out! Xx
That looks fantastic, I didn’t knew Angelica is launching a collection, thanks for inspo!
Beautiful collection of clothes designed! 🙂
LA BIJOUX BELLA | BY MIA | A Creative Lifestyle Blog
wow her collection is insane!
Fash ‘n’ fudge
Fash ‘n’ fudge