…….Dungarees from QNTS.dk (here)
Här får ni ännu en look från båten! Verkligen börjat gilla hängselbyxor igen. Korta som långa! Tycker det ser typ sött/coolt ut, haha. Dessa är ett par vintage från Lee som ni hittar på länken ovan. Perfekta enligt mig. Haft världens lugnaste söndag. Precis vad jag behöver! Jag och Erik vaknade tidigt, hörde regnet och somnade om sedan har jag typ bokstavligen bara rört mig mellan sängen och kylskåpet hela dagen. Så imorgon är det dags att ta tag i livet igen! Puss
/ Here you get another look from the boat! I really started to like dungarees again. Short ones as long ones! It’s sweet and edgy in the same time, lol. These ones is a pair of vintage Lee that you find on the link above. Perfect if you ask me! I had the calmest sunday ever. Exactly what I needed! Me and Erik woke up early, heard the rain and fell asleep again. Since I woke up I literally just moved myself between the fridge and the bed. So tomorrow it’s time to be a bit more efficient.
you look perfect
Great location for photos! Love it!
love, Turn it inside out
Yes! Love the Dungarees. They remind me of weekends on boats as a child. So basically, your photos here are perfect!
These pics are so inspired! Love them!
Love this look! Super cozy and stylish!
xx Su http://www.fashiontwinstinct.com
Really love that dungaree!
Love these photos! Such an easy casual look.
Beatiful look <3
Åh vilka härliga bilder!
Nice bilder och outfit!
Love this relaxed look.
Vikki, xx
Love these photos, cool dungarees!
xx Alyssa
love the look and your day sounds just perfect
Totally in love with your look – perfect for that scenery!
xx, Mirjam // http://www.miiju.ch
This beachy overall look is so classy! I have been looking for some overalls but haven’t had much luck so far!
Where did you get your shirt?! Love it!
I love your outfit. Looks so nice.
xx, Andrea – Strawberries ‘n’ Champagne