My Look:
T-shirt – Asos (here)
Denim Jacket – Asos (here)
Jeans – Won Hundred (old)
Sunglasses – Ray Bam
Pumps – Asos
Hej fina! Fy vad trött jag varit idag, haha. Klev upp sex imorse efter tre timmars sömn och tog flyget hem till Umeå. Deckade i sängen med katten på en gång och sov till halv ett, herregud.. Jag och Erik åker upp till Umeå för att fira jul och julledighet med vänner och familj. Kändes mysigt att åka ett par dagar tidigare! Jag tillhör väl en av dom som verkligen inte alls tycker om att fylla år så jag är glad över en ny dag som är som vilken som helst. Även om jag såklart är tacksam över dom som visar att dom uppskattar en lite extra den dagen. Här är i alla fall en denim on denim-look, älskar’t. Puss!
/ Hi guys! Oh god, I’m so tired today. Went up six this morning after a three hour of sleep and took the plane to Umeå. Crashed into my mothers bed with the cat in one second and just woke up, omg.. Me and Erik are in Umeå to celeb. christmas and holiday with friends and family. Felt cozy to come a few days early. I’m one of those people who hate my birthday so I’m glad it’s a new day. Even If I’m so greatful for those who try to make me feel reverse. Here is a denim on denim look, and I love it. Xx
vilken härlig look! denim blir aldrig fel! ha en finfin jul i norr nu <3
Love love love the outfit. Would wear this right away
Kisses from http://poshnessary.com
AWESOME photos!
such a cute denim on denim look
Love this outfit and I hope you had a good birthday. Merry Christmas
Yes!!! I absolutely adore this whole outfit, head-to-toe!
Whaaat? How can you hate your brithday?? Birthdays are the best days in the year, haha!
And I love your look! The combination with the pumps is just perfect!
answer: I know.. It’s so weird
Lol! Thanks :*
lovee it
Totally love mixing denim and denim!
Super cool and stylish look!
xx Su http://fashiontwinstinct.blogspot.de/
hey vici! I totally get u… I also do hate my birthday and I’m always so happy when the day is over !
(1st January) – maybe it’s because our birthdays are too close to christmas/ new years eve so that our birthdays seems less important
that’s at least my explanation cause I know a lot of people whos birthdays are around this time and they all hate their birthdays too haha!
so at least you’re not alone
… and as always a good outfit choice!!! I like these denim-white combos so much! they have these 80-90’s kids – vibe touch! looks amazing on you!
answer: Maybe it’s right about that, good thought. Feels good that I’m not the only one, lol. .. Oh, Thanks dear :*
which camera and lens do you use to the pictures of your outfits? I love them <3
Answer: I use a 85/1.4mm and a 28mm
the 85 is a streetstyle lens and the 28 is a wide lens.
I love denim on denim!!
Denim on denim is a perfect combo! You look amazing!
Love, Marie Roget
Riktigt snygg outfit! Älskar skorna till också.
i dont used to wear denim + denim! but i lovve the way you look on you!! <3
loooove the denim on denim!!!
Gorgeous looks!
Wow!!! Perfect style.
Where is the shoot please? It´s amazing Victoria! ♥
answer: In South Kensington
Loving the double denim look!
And perfect with those black stilettos!
YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram
Thank you for making me realize this. It’s great.