Tailored Flares from Mango – HERE
Dress up: Sleeveless top & Heels
Dress down: Wool Coat, T-shirt & Sneakers
Även om jag själv redan är lite trött på dom längre och utsvängda jeansen hade jag gärna haft ett par tunnare och utsvängda kostymbyxor. Några jag allra helst vill matcha med ett par sneakers och upptill kan jag komma på hur många kombinationer som helst. Jag och Erik ska åka en sväng till Mall Of Scandinavia idag och dessa ska jag speciellt spana in. Puss!
/ Even if I’m already kind of tired of the longer and flares jeans I would love to own a pair of flared tailored trousers in a nice thinner fabric. I wanna wear them with snekers and combine them with a lot of different styles on my upper body. Me and Erik are going to Mall Of Scandinavia (a new shopping centre here in Stockholm) today and I will try these ones out. Kisses!
love it
Thanks for the tip as you show here exactly the trousers I was looking for!
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
The perfect pants!
Love those!
Xx Annora / 1310bynora.com
The pants look awesome!! I am already looking forward to see the looks!
Jag har INTE tröttnat ^^
I’m unfortunately to small for these styles so this is not a comment for complimenting this product you posted BUT! I do wanted to give you a feedback about how you present some new items lately… I think it’s a new thing that you show an item and present some ideas how flexible an item can be and how you would dress it up or down…? or I maybe wasnt that mindful all these years :D… But I really really do like these kind of presenting new stuff cause with these “tipps” you also create inspiration to me!
as you told you have some new ideas…maybe this was one of them… if so, I’m really excited about your other ideas :)) keep going! it’s great
Thanks for sharing.I love it!