Flare Jeans – Asos (here)
T-shirt – Acne (here)
Sneakers – Superga (here)
Här är mina favorite basics just nu. Älskar min Acne t-shirt, mina denim flares och fick passande nog hem ett par Superga i sommarpresent för några dagar sedan. Spanat på ett par länge så det passade ju toppen! Älskar att gå runt med ett par flares, vit t-shirt och sneakers. Måste få det i outfit-form asap! Puss
/ Here is my favorite basics for the moment. I love my Acne T-shirt, my denim flares and I got a summer present a few days ago with a pair of Superga sneakers in it. I’ve been looking at them for a while so it was the perfect gift. I love to wear a pair of flares, a white t-shirt and some sneakers. Gotta show you in a today’s outfit asap. Xx
snyggt! kram joseefiinb.devote.se
Love the flair <3
X Nora / 1310bynora.com
Great basics
The sneakers are so pretty, just got a pair of my own!
Enkelt är bäst!
wow. perfect basic pieces indeed
Jag gillar verkligen skorna!
Hej Victoria,
Where is your black fluffy jacket/cardigan you wore in your Snapchat history today from? Love it!!
Svar: nelly :)!
love the basics
giveaway on my blog
tröttnar ju aldrig på basics, det bästa
love superega!
These should belong to anyone wardrobe,perfect staple pieces
Wanna see an outfit pic pls! I am also thinking about buying me some flares but still not sure how they’ll look like in a daily outfit… :*
Would be so nice of u ! Thank u in advance