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Helt glömt bort att visa denna kjol. En jeanskjol med hög midja visade sig vara precis det som saknades i min garderob, använt den som fasen sen jag köpte den. Instoppade t-shirts med snekaers, converse eller tofflor. Längtar som en tok att få fota outfits till er. Känns som att allt är på paus tills jag blir Stockholmsbo, dvs på måndag. Long story men mitt plan blev försenat så missade mötet, löste sig ändå men får istället nycklarna på måndag. Så då jäklar! Puss.
/ I’ve totally forgot to show you this skirt. A high waisted denim skirt was a thing I apparently have missed in my wardrobe since I’ve used it a lot since I got it. Tucked in t-shirts with sneakers, converse or birkenstock. I wanna shoot outfit pictures noooow.. It feels like everything is set on paus until I live in Stockholm for real – which is on monday, yey. Long story short – My flight was deleyed yesterday so I missed the meeting so I’ll get my keys on monday instead. Kisses!
Love it!
Åh vad snygg! /joseefiinb.devote.se
Getting the keys to a new place must be so exciting 🙂 and as you missed your flight,your anticipation can grow some more 🙂
this denim skirt is super chic and i can already see you sporting it in your usual great style
Wow that looks so good!! I am already excited for the outfit fotos with that skirt! So bad it’s not available anymore in my size :'( would definitely be a buy to me either!
Could u pls find such a skirt next time a bit earlier when the sizes are still available hahaha 😛 thx
But really great choice!!!
love it!
Lovely skirt!
perfect one
Otroligt snyggt!
Looks good, can’t wait to see you’re outfits!
Wow fits you like a glove! I’ve been trying to find a similar one from second hand shops, but I think I’ll just give up and get that… Anyways, love your blog!x
Den var snygg!
nice skirt :*
omg. it’s PERFECT
Å, det var kjempe fint!! 🙂
Ohhh I love it! I want it!