Tycker Nelly har varit lite svag på skofronten på senaste. Förut kunde jag knappt hålla mig och beställde på tok för många par några månader i rad. Dök dock in i deras sortiment idag och hittade två förjäkla fina. Känns som att jag behöver ett par att varva Zara-skorna med, ett par “att ha till allt” eller “har du inte tusen sådana redan” – skor. Vad tycker ni?
Translate/ I think Nelly have been a little bit off on their shoe-selection lately. But then I looked through their site today and found these perfect ones. A pair of “don’t you already have hundred of those already” – shoes. What do you think?
Nice, nice , nice !
XX Luba
Don´t miss today my look with peplum, jeans and Loubis
Thank you so much for sharing these! I always love the heels you’re wearing and these are so alike
They look classy and pretty. One can never have enough of them
xx Mira
Love them! they also look pretty comfy !
love them but i don’t need them too haha
I think excactly what you just wrote – “you have hundred of those already”… Which is why your blog is becoming a little borring… You are showing us the same stuff all the time for a couple of months now. Jeans, leather, shoes that look the same plus white tshirt/shirt. I really love your style, always did, but you were way more inspirational back in time. Always minimalistic, but still unexpected. I’m a little bit sad that you kind of lost the ability to suprise us, wearing same-looking clothes, you became so predictable. Also I liked the style of your old photos better. all of the new ones are kind of brown-ish(?), beige(?) which looks weird.
I loved the atmosphere of your blog, and your impeccable style (very specific but still so creative and unpredictable) back when you were taking photos in your lovely room, and then the apartment. I really liked the “intimacy”.
Sorry for complaining, just wanted to tell you how I feel about what is going on here lately. I’m a devoted reader, for a couple of years now.
Lots of love! Keep up the good work.
2 are more beautiful, in my opinion!!!
My Fantabulous World
nelly has perfect shoes all the time
Those are awesome!!!!
love it!!
They look very cool!
jag tycker dom är ganska lika många av dom du redan har.
Fast klassiska skor som är bekväma kan man kanske inte få nog av
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Definitely need one of those.